
Rubberduck 2.5.91

Release 2.5.9 came with an unfortunate bug where an exception in the version check feature would blow everything up and fail the startup of the add-in. It was of course quickly fixed in a subsequent pre-release build, and meanwhile other enhancements have been merged, so here we are with a new release that fixes the error handling of the version check service and correctly parses empty instructions.

You can find the GitHub tag/release here:

Parser Fixes

One parser bug was reported through an interesting edge case that was reminiscent of good old ThunderCode, looking something like this:

If condition Then:::::::::::DoSomething

It is of course grammatically correct, which means Rubberduck should be able to ingest it. Thanks to yet another contribution by @MDoerner this version correctly parses such empty instructions, which feels like it opens up an opportunity for an inspection that flags them, and a quick fix to remove them.

This parser tweak is definitely making it to RD3!

Other Hacktoberfest contributions include:

  • Correctly replacing any Exit Sub with Exit Function statements when converting a Sub procedure into a Function.
  • Fixing an unsafe conversion from Char to Int that was causing a crash in PowerPoint 2019.
  • COM Interop / RCW handling solidifying shutdown by taking measures to ensure reading or writing a CommandBarButton’s caption or enabled state does not happen during shutdown / after the COM objects have been destroyed.
  • Allowing multiple line continuations before the dot operator in member access expressions.

Version Check Bug

That one is purely on me rushing to release without realizing that the web API call wasn’t surrounded by a try/catch block, and since it was an asynchronous operation… any uncaught exception would take down the host process, which is utterly uncool.

The fix was, obviously, to handle errors around the network I/O. Of course a simple work-around was to simply disable the version check on startup, but unless you’re familiar with Rubberduck configurations, tweaking these without being able to load Rubberduck in the VBE to bring up the settings dialog wasn’t exactly a user-friendly experience.

Note: the web API that refreshes the website and responds to version check requests is still down! I’ve manually inserted the database records for this release, so it shows up on the website.

Extract Method

There’s an off-by-one selection glitch with this refactoring that’s also getting fixed in this release, thanks to a timely contribution by @tommy9. This selection glitch was disabling the refactoring command when it shouldn’t be disabled, making it more difficult to use than it should be.

RD3 Progress

Meanwhile I’ve been giving quite a bit of love to v3, working on the new settings model and UI. I needed to get settings out of the way early on, because everything wants to access the configuration settings, including the locations of the server executables: I got to a point where hard-coding these was no longer practical, and since debug builds don’t generate the assemblies in a single “install folder”, being able to point them to local debug builds was a good excuse to get the settings model under way.

Data Driven UI

Historically in Rubberduck, adding a new setting meant adding a property to one of the setting groups, crafting a dedicated UI section for it in the settings UI, and then editing a .XML configuration file to define the defaults. All this work means adding a new setting is a whole undertaking in its own right, and that’s essentially a deterrent to liberally sprinkling configurable options any time we come across a decision and go “hey it would be nice if this was configurable!”.

RD3 treats settings at a different abstraction level: instead of having a “GeneralSettings” class with a property for each setting, we go meta and now GeneralSettings is becoming a settings group, and the individual settings are becoming record type instances, where each setting has a name, a description, a data type, default and current values, and additional metadata to identify hidden settings that should not appear in the dialog (e.g. the flag indicating whether Rubberduck prompted to import legacy indenter settings), or settings that are recommended to keep their default value (e.g. server executables’ locations).

Because there are settings of pretty much every data type, templating the settings UI before everything else means everything else gets to use already-templated controls, resulting in a consistent UI that looks and behaves the same across the entire application.

The still-WIP RD3 settings dialog showing some language client settings.

Unless it’s for a new data type that wasn’t already templated, adding a new setting in RD3 means adding a new record class for the setting, defining its default value and metadata in the same place, and then adding an instance to an existing setting group – and that’s all there is to it… well, excluding the associated string resources, each of which will need translations (most of this doesn’t exist in RD2).

Language Server Protocol

The VBE addin itself is implementing a LSP client, but its server is going to be the Rubberduck Editor process: the editor will be notifying the addin whenever it needs to synchronize source files into the VBE. In other words the editor is both a server and a client, depending on whether it’s talking to the addin or to the language server.

At this stage the addin is initializing a language client when it launches the editor, and as soon as the editor completes the LSP initialization handshake with the addin, it starts the language server process and initializes its own language client.

While both the addin and the editor implement LSP initialization, the two processes have vastly different responsibilities: the addin doesn’t deal with documents, and doesn’t care about semantic tokens or diagnostics: its primary responsibility is to get the code files into and out of the hosted VBA project, and provide an insulation layer between COM and the rest of Rubberduck. The editor however, is going to implement most of the LSP-defined features.

All Json-RPC communications are happening across process standard I/O for now, but this isn’t viable because when the editor talks to the addin, it needs to do so in a channel that’s separate from when it talks to the language server (things could get really funky otherwise). Named pipes will solve this, but in order to keep things moving forward I’ve opted to leave the addin behind (it’s almost completed!) and build the editor as a standalone application (which greatly simplifies debugging). We’ll get the named pipes working to implement the synchronization with the VBE, but the VBE is otherwise not needed for now, so standard I/O it is, and we’ll look into named pipes when they’re needed.

Project Templates

As I was piecing together everything I needed to serialize the .rdproj file and initialize a workspace, I came across the need to create a blank project that references the VBA library… and as I was hard-coding this sensible default I realized I could just copy an existing project file instead of hard-coding it, and things snowballed from there a bit, and so RD3 will come with a default empty project that references the VBA library, but also templates for various Microsoft Office hosts, and then why not have a template for a host-agnostic MVP project!

In Visual Studio when you start a new ASP.NET MVC project, you get a bare-bones working application that’s already somewhat organized, with the source files under specialized folders; the RD3 Rubberduck Editor will be able to do the same.

Creating a new project in the Rubberduck Editor lets you pick a project template and not start from scratch every time.
Templates are just special folders with folders and code files; all the folders under the Templates folder are considered project templates!

Project/workspace files solve the problem of “remembering” which files were opened, so it should be easy to restore them – the same feature is how template projects will open in the editor with the document tab opened.


Making VBA code as git-friendly as possible is, I believe, one of the best ways to ensure VBA lives on; being able to organize a VBA project into actual folders is an important part of this, but the lack of namespaces makes it a challenge… that’s solved with the .rdproj file. Indeed, it makes a way to ensure no RD3 project can have two source files that result in importing a module into the VBE… and then overwriting it when importing the next source file.

Taking RD2 @Folder annotations as a baseline, the relationship between modules and folders is reversed in RD3: RD2 folders were just a representation of where modules fit in a tree, folders could only exist if there was a module to define it. Now that we’re moving to the file system, a project can have empty folders, and modules don’t (can’t) have a say on what folder they live under.

This poses a compatibility problem with RD2 projects, that we’re going to address by acknowledging the RD2 annotations and migrating the project to the RD3 paradigm by creating actual folders under the project workspace, and moving the source files there; the @Folder annotation comments should then be removed. This functionality is not implemented yet despite the “new project” command being completed, because it’s the language server that will tell the editor about this when it starts issuing diagnostics… and we’re not there yet.


Rubberduck 3.0 can now create a new project, load an existing one, and save workspace changes to the file system. Loading a workspace/project loads all the file contents in memory in the editor process, and that’s where we’re at: the next step is to come up with a UI to explore the files in a workspace and pick one or more to actually open in an editor tab. This workspace explorer UI is similar to the VBE’s project explorer in that it knows everything there is to know about what files are in a project, and what content is in each file… but unlike the RD2 code explorer it knows nothing about any semantics, so it doesn’t/can’t drill down to member level – it’s really all about files and folders.

Once the Workspace Explorer UI is done, I’ll be focusing on the editor shell UI again, this time to work on the docking panels and document tab system: then we’ll have the infrastructure in place to add all the toolwindows we need, and document tabs that – finally – actually display file contents… whether that’s a markdown document, a plain text file, or a VBA source file.

Opening a workspace has implications with the LSP server: when you open a project in the editor, it sends everything it knows about these files to the server process through Json-RPC communications – the server process never accesses the files directly; files “belong to” the editor process.

To be continued…

Rubberduck 2.5.9

I’m pleased to announce that Rubberduck release version 2.5.2 has achieved over 32 thousand total downloads this month, overflowing a VBA Integer data type! Big numbers are fun and all, but the time has come to reset the counters and officially release the next version.

Those of you that have been keeping up with the many pre-release builds for the past two years will not have too many surprises here, but for the vast majority of you this will be a welcome upgrade with the combined efforts of our contributors over the past 20 months or so. That’s two Hacktoberfests and over 700 commits from 180 pull requests!

> Release notes & Installation instructions:

See for more information about Rubberduck features.

What’s New?

This release brings an awesome new peek definition navigation command (pre-released in 2021!), which lets you view source code that’s anywhere else in the project, without leaving where you’re at.

The Fakes API has been seriously enhanced with more than a dozen new standard library function overrides, as discussed in details in a previous article.

The version check feature is no longer sending HTTP requests to legacy routes on the website (although the website still supports them, so the feature still works in older Rubberduck installs). Instead, an HTTPS request is sent to the public API behind the website – the result is a more reliable feature that now receives much more information than just a version number. It wouldn’t be surprising to see a future iteration show additional information about the latest tag/release, such as the number of downloads, and the installer executable asset URL, for example.

A Rubberduck release wouldn’t be a Rubberduck release without at least a handful of new inspections! 6 new inspections are coming this time around:

  • IIf side-effects flags uses of the IIf function where arguments are potentially side-effecting.
  • Public control field access flags code that accesses form controls from outside the form, recommending a more encapsulated approach.
  • Public Enum in Worksheet module warns about Enum types declared in a Worksheet document module, which can easily result in compilation errors when the worksheet is later copied.
  • Read-only property assignment flags programming errors that the VBE only picks up at run-time.
  • Suspicious predeclared instance access warns about accesses to a form’s predeclared instance made in that form’s code-behind module; depending on how the form is used, such code may not work as intended.
  • UDT Member not used finds UDT members that are declared without being referenced anywhere.

The Extract Method refactoring is making a long-awaited comeback, 5 whole years after the old 2.0 implementation was deemed irreparably broken. It has a number of limitations, for now the selection to extract cannot contain any of the following:

  • GoTo statements
  • GoSub...Return statements
  • Conditionally-compiled statements

This obviously isn’t an exhaustive list of everything that happened in the last two years, but it’s a good summary of the new stuff.

What’s next?

This release is the last one planned to start with a 2; work has started on Rubberduck 3.0, a major overhaul of everything we’ve built so far. Rubberduck is being split into client/server processes, storage is moving out-of-process, and the entire user interface is being remade to support everything that’s coming in v3.

Because a massive number of breaking changes need to happen, RD3 is being developed in a separate repository; you’ll find it under the rubberduck-vba organization on GitHub, and that’s where the bulk of development efforts are going to be directed at in the coming months.


The new revamped website is live now; still has a couple of annoying issues (search results page links don’t work, for one), but overall I’m very happy with how it turned out!

Swag Shop

If you’re following Rubberduck on social media, you know I’ve opened a swag shop where you can get Rubberduck-branded mugs, pens, stickers, t-shirts, and more; these past couple of weeks I’ve been building an assortment of various products at various price points for various budgets. Shipping remains a challenge (it’s expensive!), but Ko-fi doesn’t take a cut on shop sales (or donations), which makes it a better deal for a shop with uncertain sales, compared to say Amazon, where shipping is less of a challenge but the monthly fees are prohibitive for a small-volume shop.

There’s now a rather decent offering and quite a lot of inventory; eventually I’ll get more stuff made (hats, hoodies maybe), and will replenish whatever runs out, but my attention will be mostly dedicated to Rubberduck3 development now.

Rubberduck 2.x has been an amazing adventure and a tremendous learning experience – I’m primed and looking forward to all the new challenges porting 2.x to RD3 will bring!

Rubberduck Swag Shop is Open!

Back in the summer of 2017, we ran a rather successful GoFundMe campaign to collect funds to get some swag made, and shipped to the project’s contributors. It was great to see all that support pouring in, but it was bittersweet… for I would have loved to have been able to materially thank back our supporters. Alas, making custom printed gear quickly gets expensive, and crazy shipping fees essentially doubled it up.

So this time around I decided to bite the bullet and make a more significant initial investment, and actually start an online shop and keep an inventory in stock that can be shipped to supporters whenever, without needing to wait for prints, or paying too much for too few items being made, severely limiting profitability and driving prices up.

I guess I’ll know soon enough if I still have my old merchandise planner’s touch! If the inventory turns too fast, I’ll miss opportunities and may have to delay shipments to replenish. But if the markup is too high and stock isn’t moving quickly enough, I’ll probably need to take markdowns.

I’ll be writing an article about the particular workbook I’m using to track all that next – I want a bit of VBA code to simplify tracking sales and invoicing.. but for now I’m just thrilled to start shipping all the goodies!

I’m very happy with how everything turned out. That beautiful yellow ducky mug will probably only ever be printed in small batches, for they are quite expensive and I’m unfortunately not going to be able to have a better price for them unless I make them in very large batches. Everything else (even t-shirts, to a degree) has the potential to eventually get to a very decent price point – the goal is obviously to collect some funds to help finance the costs of hosting and securing the blog and website, but I want this inventory to move and don’t mind taking a lower margin if there’s enough volume to drive enough sales to just keep the shop afloat – time will tell!

Rubberduck Swag Shop on Ko-fi

Typed Arrays Must Die

Haha. Yeah, no, I mean, really. Let me explain.

Variant is Awesome

A lot has been written about why Variant should be avoided whenever a more specific data type can be used instead. Indeed it makes little sense to use a Variant (explicit or not) when you could be working with a Long integer, a Date, or a String instead. That’s true for all intrinsic data types.

For object types, using a Variant in place of a specific class interface makes any call against it inherently late-bound, meaning it can only be resolved at run-time, because the actual class/interface type is not known at compile-time… and that’s why the VBE won’t be showing any member/completion list or parameter info for anything this Variant could be used for. Definitely no good, besides Object is a better option for explicit late binding.

Wait I thought you said it was awesome?

Totally. See, its nature makes it the perfect data type to return for any Excel UDF (user-defined function): when the function succeeds, it can return a different variant subtype than when the function fails, so an error-handling subroutine in a UDF can make the function return an actual Variant/Error value to the worksheet and yes, that’s awesome.

But wait, there’s more!

Arrays. Variant is awesome for arrays – because typed arrays must die.

Ok. What is a Typed Array?

It’s one of those language quirks that make VBA so… I’ll say adorable.

By “typed” I mean an array that’s declared as such, so any old “array of strings” would be it:

Option Explicit
Private DynamicallySizedArray() As String
Private FixedSizeArray(1 To 10) As String

The distinction between fixed and dynamically sized arrays is important in the language specifications, but let’s just take note of the fact that the syntax asks that we specify the array bounds right after the identifier name.

This is important, because As String(10) is a syntax error, not an array.

Same when you declare a parameter:

Private Sub DoSomething(ByRef Values() As String)
End Sub

Note the explicit ByRef modifier: arrays can only ever be passed by reference. Declaring this parameter ByVal would be a compile-time error, and this has interesting implications once we start considering whether and how these arrays can get assigned to.

Because the value parameter of a property is always passed by value (even if it says ByRef!), typed arrays are immediately problematic with property definitions:

Public Property Let SomeValues([ByVal] Values() As String)
End Property

And what if you wanted to return a typed array? It would look something like this:

Public Function GetSomeValues() As String()
End Function

Note that specifying array bounds or string length would be illegal here, and that because this is a member signature the sets of parentheses right after the identifier name denotes the parameter list and has to be included even when there are no parameters to declare.

I mean it’s for a lot of good and valid reasons, but the bottom line is, the syntax is inconsistent and confusing… and that’s just how bad it is at compile time. It gets worse.


I need to talk about ReDim while I’m here. Somewhat recently, I was working on the RD3 type system and went on to implement ReDim for the array types, and I was surprised (not really 😅) at how much VBA defers to run-time. You’ll get a compile error for trying to ReDim a With block variable or a ParamArray parameter array value, but all these are run-time errors with the Preserve modifier specified:

  • Attempting to change the number of dimensions of the array
  • Attempting to change the lower boundary of the array
  • Attempting to change the upper boundary of a dimension that isn’t the last dimension of the array

Can’t assign to array

A fixed-size array can be assigned to if the value has the same number of dimensions, that the dimensions are the same size, and all the values are the default value for the declared type. A resizable array can be assigned to if… it has no dimensions.

This context-dependent behavior is something that either occupies mental space, or causes problems that the compiler will not detect until it’s too late (although, RD3 diagnostics might change that).


Mental space is important when programming, because there’s a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration, and we don’t need the language itself to insert its own complexities in our code.

Variant can hold anything, including arrays. Simply put, we declare things As Variant and use a pluralized identifier name: ByVal Things As Variant.

Suddenly, working with arrays in VBA becomes much simpler – because a Variant/Array does behave exactly as one would expect: it’s all pointers underneath, so the difference is subtle, but by adding just one “layer” of pointer indirection by “hiding” our array behind a Variant, we can do everything we can otherwise do with an array, and we can write function signatures without thinking twice about where to put the parentheses.

Public Function GetSomeValues() As String()
End Function


Public Function GetSomeValues() As Variant
End Function

Because it’s behind a Variant, we’re now free to pass arrays around as we please – of course no array data actually goes anywhere, it’s the pointers we’re moving around, in a way that’s quite similar to how objects (pointers) are passed around.

So when you pass a Variant by value, you’re passing a copy of a pointer that says “your array is over here”. Exactly like an object reference, in fact.

Without the Variant wrapping around the array, when we try to pass it by value it’s the entire literal array we’d be copying, and VBA refuses to do this, and forces arrays to be passed by reference.

In other words shoving arrays into a Variant makes them get passed as references regardless of whether we’re doing this ByRef or ByVal, which is exactly what VBA wants.

Private Sub DoSomething(ByVal Values As Variant)
End Sub

It’s also what we want, because our mental concept of passing an array to a procedure works like this too: if we simply accept the fact that it’s a pointer that we’re actually passing, then the rules around ByRef/ByVal remain relatively simple and there is no need to worry about code that compiles but might blow up at run-time, because when we assign the array pointer we’re assigning to a Variant and not an array, so there is no restriction here, it “just works”.


Arrays are extremely useful in VBA, but using them at the abstraction level they were originally intended to be used at is full of traps and caveats that make them difficult to work with. By working with Variant instead, we’re still dealing with arrays, but we’re no longer dealing with the restrictions that are inherent to array variables.

So there, it’s not that typed arrays must die, it’s just that arrays in VBA are much less irritating when VBA doesn’t know it’s looking at one.

RD3 March 2024

Last time I wrote here, the language server was just barely starting to be able to communicate with the editor client, and the editor was displaying content but while content could be modified, it wouldn’t notify the server about it yet. Since then a lot has happened in both the editor client and the language server, and the server is now actually parsing the workspace/project files, issuing some diagnostics (syntax errors (LL) and SLL parser failures), and it returns folding ranges when the client asks for them.

The editor itself has seen a few tweaks; the “ducky button” idea might have been superseded by a new markers margin that could conceivably anchor context menus for code actions.

The first diagnostics issued by RD3 originate directly from the parser itself: SLL prediction mode failures are deemed hints, and LL mode failures are either syntax errors… or grammar bugs.

I’m happy with just something showing up at this stage; icons in the margin render on the correct document line as it’s scrolled up and down, but they don’t refresh properly on document change yet. Similarly, additional work is going to be needed around foldings, but so far it’s looking great and everything that should work, does.

Foldings are going to work, too, including ranges using custom @Region/@EndRegion annotations!


The settings dialog has received quite a bit of attention lately, and I’d almost consider it release-ready now. Features include:

  • Back/forward navigation buttons
  • Filtering the current view
  • Searching across all settings
  • Reactive layout that rearranges tiles as the dialog is resized
  • Expand any setting group to a full-page view
  • Asynchronous validation for URI settings (both file:// and http/s:// URIs)
  • Opening the dialog for any particular setting key, which is how the cogwheel icons everywhere are going to be bringing up the settings dialog.
Typing in the search box automatically filters items in the current view; the “search” command creates a new view with the search results from all setting groups. Navigation commands are featured on the left, and a reset command on the right.

The debate around whether settings should automatically be saved to disk as they are modified has been settled: we drop the Apply button, and keep all changes in the UI until the dialog is okayed, which means the settings dialog of RD3 is going to behave very similarly to the one in RD2, except we’re also dropping the Apply button, leaving just Accept and Cancel.

Each modified setting value is listed in the details of a confirmation message that is shown after settings are serialized to the file system, unless the message is disabled, of course. Missing resource keys have since been added ☺️

Search results include a label that says which setting group it belongs under, which is great because lots of similarly-purposed settings have similar names and descriptions:

Even with identical names and descriptions, you know exactly what you’re looking at because the parent setting group is shown at the bottom right of every search result.

Another thing of note, is that RD3 has now dropped its custom markdown-enabled WPF message box in favor of native task dialogs:

Task dialogs have everything we need: custom buttons, icons, captions, a checkbox in the footer, …a footer, collapsible details, and more.

This move takes a whole entire headache away by outright eliminating a potential source of annoying bugs, while ensuring RD3 messages are reliably shown, and show everything we need them to show.

Each message shown in RD3 is going to have an associated key, and this key is how “do not show this message again” is going to be saved as a setting value under the General/DisabledMessageKeys setting (a setting whose value is a list of strings).

Server Side

Work on the server side has taken a bit of a backseat while I was working on the client, so while it’s parsing all code files in a workspace/project, collects and resolves a type for all member symbols in both referenced libraries and the current workspace, and even issues diagnostics for syntax errors and SLL failures, that’s still not enough to even begin to think about feature parity with Rubberduck 2.x; additional work is needed to collect and resolve hierarchical symbols (i.e. everything inside procedure scopes) and issue semantic tokens to the editor client, which would enable semantic colorizations aka syntax highlighting, and on the server side unlocks the level of static code analysis we need. We could technically already have client-side, regex rule-based highlighting, but knowing that it’s 1) wholly insufficient and 2) bound to be overwritten by the semantic tokens, adding it now just isn’t worth it.


The editor is now notifying the server when a document is opened, closed, or modified, but it also needs LSP wiring for when a document is saved, and well it actually needs to write the modifications to the physical workspace folder (aka “save”). The Workspace Explorer is currently showing files that exist in the workspace folder but aren’t included in the project, but there’s no command to include a file into (or exclude from) the active project, so my next task should be to do with the Workspace Explorer what I just did with the settings dialog, and revisit everything it’s supposed to be able to do (in an alpha release anyway) – and make it happen.

With the language server issuing member symbols, the editor client is now well behind in terms of what it does vs what it could do. Off the top of my head, the following tooltabs/features can be started now, since all the data they need is available:

  • Code Explorer
  • Object Browser
  • Properties
  • Find Symbol

As for the editor itself, its combo boxes are still empty, but with member symbols resolved we could actually populate them, including listing WithEvents variables and implemented interfaces.

Project Planning

If you’ve been following all along, you know this part isn’t my preferred one, but as you can see from the above, RD3 is quickly expanding its capabilities and will soon have so much “ready to sprint” work piled up, I won’t be able to knock it all down by myself and will have to write down a brain dump of what’s left to do and in what priority order.

I went ahead and archived last year’s Project Cucumber on GitHub, and created a new GitHub project linked to specific RD3 projects – so there’s a board for the language server with a ticket for every LSP handler it needs to implement, and then there’s a completely distinct board for the editor client, and another one for the update server, and there’s one for the addin too, and another one for an eventual RD3 subdomain on, and so on.

And then there’s a separate project/board that’s a bug tracker that encompasses all the projects.

Next Steps

The number of things that can be worked on is increasing as the foundational groundwork solidifies, and the next step for the project is becoming more and more the next step for me; we’re reaching a point where a meaningful backlog can start being maintained and this means the next step for me has to be to come up with some documentation for what’s there, to help would-be contributors find their way in the RD3 solution. And then I’ll get back to UI work, so the next update should have some interesting screenshots!

RD3: A Year Later

About a year ago, I came to the conclusion that it would not be realistic to refactor Rubberduck into a client/server architecture and to incrementally make the 2.x internal model work with the Language Server Protocol (LSP), which had been established as a target for 3.0.

To get the ball rolling I started a new project from scratch, and started writing a prototype to explore the AvalonEdit API for the client/editor part. The server side took longer to take off, because I simply dived head-first into the LSP specification, and hit a blocker with socket transport (which was the most efficient way to do this): it would pop an elevation prompt, and requiring admin rights to connect to the language server process was a complete showstopper, and then that’s about when I took my attention to the OmniSharp library… which implemented JsonRPC and LSP a million times better than I ever would have, and made my entire prototype model moot, so I happily scrapped it all and started over, and here we are.

Transport works over named pipes, with bidirectional JsonRPC (Remote Procedure Call) messages; JsonRPC is essentially a specification for formatting/structuring messages between processes (hence client/server), and LSP builds on top of it: OmniSharp deals with all this boilerplate for us.

A year later there’s a VBE add-in that’s just a menu with a few intriguing commands, like “Show Editor” and “New Workspace”… and nothing else. Rubberduck 3.0 will only have minimal interactions with the VBIDE, which is the polar opposite of what Rubberduck has been doing so far. As a result, the RD3 memory footprint in the host process is absolutely minimal, and the main/only thread of the host process is consequently very much left alone, unless the add-in is creating or synchronizing a workspace. This removes an entire, rather populous group of things that can potentially insta-kill the host process, making it the most stable Rubberduck add-in we could ever come up with. You can’t blow up the host process if you’re not crashing in the host process! That said knock on wood still… the VBE is life, it… finds a way.

The show editor command brings up the Rubberduck Editor, starting it if it isn’t already running. It’s a standalone Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application that runs in its own separate process, so if something terrible happens and the editor crashes, the add-in can just spawn a new one and carry on as if nothing happened. The editor app is a JsonRPC server here, and the add-in/host process is its client.

When the editor opens or creates a workspace/project (the add-in sends a URI as a command-line argument), it starts a language server process (another separate process!) and sends it the text content of all opened documents.

When the server process completes initialization, it reads the text content of all workspace documents that aren’t opened in the editor, and starts the parser pipeline.

In RD2 it’s a `RubberduckParserState` object that holds all the (mutable) state; in RD3 the (immutable) state consists of hierarchical symbols, some of which can resolve to a type – and they’re held in an ExecutionContext that maintains a symbol table and can copy itself into an ExecutionScope, …and you can already tell it’s a whole different beast.

Rubberduck 2.x was already doing something quite similar while pre-processing the precompiler directives, and the unreachable case inspection makes use of it… While impressive, it’s tacked on top of the parser rather than being the parser.

It all goes back to a fateful evening of 2014 when I somehow stuck with the idea that all Rubberduck needed was declarations, and then we’d resolve identifier references and have something to work with. Over the years that followed we made good use, and pushed the limits of this naive model that mangled the concepts of symbols and types into a catch-all declaration that could just as well be a class module or a line label.

So now we’re going to be resolving the type of symbols, and instead of lookup dictionaries giving us the declarations of a particular module, we get hierarchical symbols that simply know what their child symbols are, and a symbol table that contains everything that’s in scope inside the module member we’re looking at.

In other words, we’re going to be a few things short of an actual interpreter (not linking external types, for one), but more than close enough to be issuing diagnostics rather than inspection results.

Parser Pipelines

I recall when we retro-fitted cancellation capabilities into the RD2 parser, and made it asynchronous: in 3.0 the thing is asynchronous by nature, as it builds on top of the .net Task Parallel Library, but this time everything is happening inside Dataflow, a more abstract library that goes further than tasks and wraps them into “blocks” that connect to each other to move state through – so we start by giving it a `WorkspaceUri`, and then the pipeline gets (or creates) the current document state for each document in that workspace, and then depending on parallelization settings it can dedicate a thread to each document.

So far that’s implemented differently and more robustly, but conceptually the same thing happens in RD2. What happens once we have a syntax tree for each document is different though.

In RD2 we would be collecting all declarations and storing them in the DeclarationFinder, a service that the resolver uses to get resolution candidates – and that many other features use whenever they need to find a declaration.

In RD3 we’ll be collecting symbols in two distinct traversals of each module’s syntax tree. The first pass collects the member symbols, which includes everything in the declarations section of the module and each procedure scope, including its parameters; the second pass collects all the remaining symbols inside each procedure.

The declaration finder is not making it to v3: instead, each workspace is given an execution context, where a hierarchical symbol table is maintained. During the first symbol pass, this context gets all the module and member symbols, and once all modules have been traversed we resolve a VBType for each typed symbol, so the second pass has all the information it needs to resolve a VBType for all the remaining symbols.

As the syntax tree traversal enters a procedure scope, the context generates an execution scope, which is essentially a stack frame that has its own scoped symbol table, which only includes symbols that are accessible to the procedure we’re in. When the traversal exits the procedure, the resolved symbols are copied from the execution scope before the scope is dismissed; when the module has been completely traversed, all the resolved symbols get copied to the workspace’s execution context.

Once all workspace symbols are resolved, a semantic pass will be able to traverse each executable scope to issue various diagnostics.

A visual representation of how the pipeline dataflow blocks are currently interconnected.

The part that collects symbols from referenced libraries still needs to be ported from RD2, but I’m not worried about that part at all.

Current Status

As of this writing, most of the pipeline itself is done; what needs attention now is the exhaustive list of all possible semantic tokens, which is how the editor/client is going to be able to implement semantic syntax highlighting – the second symbol resolution pass needs to tokenize the syntax tree, and then the resulting tokens need to be sent to the client. But first, I need to categorize every single one of them. LSP specifies a handful of common kinds of tokens, but the default kinds are insufficient to correctly tokenize VBA code. Moreover, because semantic tokens responses are typically rather large, for performance reasons what’s sent to the client isn’t the tokens themselves, but an integer that represents it: a legend has to be crafted to map these integer IDs to semantic tokens on the client side.

Once that’s done, I’ll be wiring it all up and make the server start processing a workspace whenever one gets opened, …and to start processing a code file whenever it gets modified in the editor. Then the client can handle the server notifications about workspace symbols and semantic tokens being refreshed (and possibly even diagnostics).

Errors and Diagnostics

Now that’s another massive paradigm shift. Work hasn’t started on these yet, but we can already tell that RD3 inspections aren’t going to “run” per se. Rather, diagnostics are to be issued by the semantic pass, when the executable symbols are being interpreted within an execution scope.

Inspections that RD2 dubs parse tree inspections would become diagnostics issued during the initial traversal of the parse trees, along with syntax errors – i.e. error nodes in the parse tree. The hardest part of this is going to come up with an error message that makes sense: if you’ve experienced parser errors in Rubberduck before, you know these error messages require a very deep understanding of the parser rules to make any kind of sense, and turning these into human-friendly errors is a very difficult task that will likely not be completed by the time 3.0 is released. That said, last year’s prototype has confirmed that the editor will be able to render them as squiggly lines that show a tooltip when hovered; similar to modern editors, hovering diagnostics will pop a ducky button that lists all available code actions aka quick-fixes (and refactorings) for that diagnostic, if any.

Phase II

With the language server resolving symbols, the project is entering a new phase: in the next couple of weeks/months, RD3 will become much more than a glorified Notepad, and will start feeling more and more like an actual IDE. With access to the symbols, the editor can now implement all the features, so the rest is a matter of coming up with a decent backlog, and let the relentless march towards the first Rubberduck 3.0 alpha 1 release begin!

RD3: December Update

Last time I said I was going to be working on a Workspace Explorer user interface, so that I have a toolwindow to play with as I work on the toolpanel layouts and docking functionality.

And I did exactly that, so while it’s far from being ready for an alpha release, it’s there and it does exactly what it needs to do, up to and including opening document tabs in the editor.

I also added control templates for different document types, so editing a .MD markdown document is done in a differently-configured editor than when editing a VBA source file.

The markdown document editor handles read-only documents by only presenting the preview pane.

Workspace Explorer

The toolwindow has acquired context menus and commands to create a new project, to open an existing one, and to synchronize the workspace with the VBE; it is configured to be shown docked on the left side by default. I’m developing the editor as a standalone application, so for now VBE synchronization is set aside until JsonRPC communications happen over named pipes – which is going to be needed at one point or another; there’s just no need to have 3-way communications going on right now.

It already supports opening multiple workspaces/projects, although additional analysis is needed to work out exactly how that’s going to work with VBE synchronization (there is a concept of an “active” project/workspace that will probably be useful for this).

The content of a workspace is represented in the explorer by a tree view that lists all the files and folders under the “.src” source root folder. Document nodes (whether they’re source files or not) can be opened in the editor by double-clicking, or selecting “Open” from the node’s context menu.

The context menu when you right-click anywhere in the background area offers new and open commands to create a new project/workspace and open an existing one, so already the UI is taking a direction where there are multiple ways to discover a command, which I believe is a good thing in an IDE application.

Since a workspace represents the project, the explorer toolwindow also needs commands to create, delete, cut, copy paste, and rename files & folders, as well as the ability to include/exclude files/folders from the project, and to move things around, preferably by simply dragging and dropping the tree nodes. Dropping a file (or files, or folders) from Windows Explorer into the tree view should ultimately copy (or move?) the dragged items into the workspace folder, and then there needs to be a command that simply opens the workspace location in Windows Explorer.

These are well beyond what’s needed for an alpha release though, so I’ll likely just iron out a few wrinkles and let it be for a while: we can open workspace files in the editor, and it’s really all I need it to do… for now.

Eventually it will need a horizontal template that would be the default view when the toolwindow is docked at the bottom (or could serve as an alternative view when docked on the sides).

Shell Layout

The editor shell is divided into sections. There are two collapsible panels on either side, and a third at the bottom; all panels can be resized as needed by dragging their outer border, and each panel houses tooltabs that show tab headings at the bottom; only the document panel will display them at the top.

Even without tearable tabs, the layout would be usable as-is. As I’m writing this update though, my focus is on getting the InterTabClient to understand where I mean to have my content – after I re-dock an undocked tab, the content ends up being rendered in the tab headers, ..and then a NullReferenceException brings down the process as soon as something moves.

At this stage toolwindows are abstract enough that adding one for the Language Server Trace went very well – and that particular toolwindow is itself very abstracted too, such that adding Editor Trace and Update Server Trace toolwindows will be a breeze. In fact adding any new toolwindow is very simple.

The ThunderFrame control has been augmented with a pin button that all toolwindows have, that makes the parent collapsible panel remain open when the mouse leaves it. The font size has decreased a bit and the icons were scaled back to 16×16 for a tighter look and to yield more screen estate to the actual content. I’ve switched back to the light theme to see how much damage the dark theme adjustments did, and it’s not too bad: seems only the scrollbars’ buttons have suffered.

The background ducky has been severely toned down and is much more subtle now; it’s also been removed from the main window background, and the code editor template background isn’t letting it through either. It’s still there if you care to look for it, but it’s not an obnoxious distraction anymore.

By default, RD3 will automatically open a read-only markdown document named; this document is not part of any workspace, and will include useful links and detailed release notes including new features, enhancements and bug fixes, broken down by component (editor, language server, add-in, etc.).

Maintaining this file whenever a pull request is merged will make it much easier to put together a release and communicate “what’s new?”.

This document is the first document type to be supported, because it stands on its own and contrary to source files, once it loads and renders, it’s essentially feature-complete which makes it a quick win. Every other document is going to involve the workspace, so it made sense to get that one out of the way right away.

It also makes a good place to put release notes; each merged RD3 pull request will be listed there along with a short description of the new feature, enhancement, or bug fix.

The “welcome” document contains release notes and additional information about the release.
The code editor is barely a Notepads surrogate at this point; in the next few weeks it’ll get all the features that don’t involve the LSP server.

The template for a read-only markdown document is only showing the preview pane; editable markdown documents can collapse the pane to the right or resize it as needed (perhaps eventually re-dock it). Links are currently not working in the preview (not much effort has gone into this editor yet), but the idea is to allow navigating links when the option is enabled (and it would be disabled by default). The markdown document is already binding its font family from the ViewModel, which is a precursor to a bunch of editor settings that the code editor will want to have as well.

Status bar

The prototype-era status bar has been removed and properly templated to reflect the current editor state:

  • Only a simple icon and status label will be shown until a workspace/project is loaded. The icon will reflect the connection status of the language server, and bring up the language server trace toolwindow when clicked.
  • When a workspace is opened, the status bar label might show a small progress indicator tracking the server-side processing going on in the LSP process; the editor is immediately fully responsive and usable.
    • Cancellable server operations can be cancelled by clicking a button that appears next to the progress indicator when cancellation is possible.
  • When at least one editable document tab is opened in the editor, the status bar template changes to show the caret location, among other useful bits of information pertaining to the active document tab.

Next Steps

With the editor shell foundation in place, the next client-side features are going to start needing data from the language server, so now is a good time to take a step back, tidy things up, and make sure everything in place works as intended; document and address any pending bugs before adding new tooltabs and potentially creating more work than necessary.

Glitches with docking need to be resolved, the UI for tooltabs isn’t right, closing tabs should notify the language server, context menu commands need to be implemented to undock tooltabs, and frame headings should be draggable; little things left and right. The editor itself needs basic editing commands and a context menu; a toolbar will probably be useful, too.

Oh, and then I need to flip back to the dark theme, because working with the light one has done funky things… I need to revisit all the themes before it gets any worse:

Or perhaps I could “fix” it by just renaming it “xray-dark” or something, and then just shelve this until theming gets some real attention?🤔

And then LSP gets serious.

Update 2024-01-02: LSP communications over named pipes are now working; the problem was that the initialization was being performed twice.

Swag Shop 2024

The swag shop I opened this year is going to keep going in 2024. I’m brewing a number of RD3 design ideas, and I’d like to have embroidered hats and hoodies made.

Ko-fi supporters spending $1 or more get access to supporter-exclusive content; as I work on RD3, I upload screenshots and small posts about upcoming stuff, before it’s even pushed to GitHub.

I’m planning to start writing a complete RD3 user guide in 2024, that’ll probably end up as a PDF download alongside the Style Guide.

I bought way too much inventory in 2023, so expect extra free goodies in every shop order!

Progress on the RD3 Editor Shell

Progress has been a bit scattered, but steady. The shell now supports theming and Rubberduck 3 will ship minimally with light/blue, light, dark, and dark/blue themes, currently essentially copied and adapted from Visual Studio and VS Code color palettes. I’ve hit a bump on the road trying to get fancy with the window chrome controls, but I’m going to be putting that aside if I don’t get to a satisfying solution soon.

Light/blue theme with an empty editor shell.
Dark theme in the exact same state.
Dark/blue theme mirrors VS Code’s “Abyss” theme.

With the envisioned chrome, the title bar would blend with the menu bar, and the window commands at the right would also match the theme. Obviously that’s far from a showstopper!

With theming out of the way, the editor shell looks fabulous but is still far from completed. The client area where the giant ducky outline logo is currently shown, is where the editor actually needs to have its docking panels and document tab host – the outline logo will have to be moved there if it’s to be visible at all when everything is done.

Because of license compatibility issues, the AvalonDock library which would be the natural go-to option since the actual editor tabs will be AvalonEdit controls, cannot be used. As an alternative with a compatible license, rather than developing our own docking panels and MDI layout, we’ll be using the Dragablz library and its Dockablz layout panels.

Document Types

The prototype 6 months ago only covered one aspect of the editor – the code editor. But Rubberduck 3.0 will need to have the ability to edit more than just VBA code.

In VBA a project is embedded in its host document and consists of the VBProject component modules; in RD3 a VBA project lives on disk, and Rubberduck knows what project files are to be synchronized with the VBE, but there’s nothing stopping it from being able to include additional files which don’t synchronize back to the VBE but can be useful for development.

Plain Text

RD3 will create a .rdproj (“Rubberduck Project”) file in the workspace folder. That file is going to be a plain text (JSON) file, and we want the editor to be able to open and edit it. Eventually there might be a dedicated language server that understands JSON syntax as a language (and then .rdproj files can get syntax highlighting, section folding, completion, etc.), but that will not be a priority at first – what will be, is just to ensure we can load such text files in the editor.


Text files with formatting; markdown (.md) format is essentially today’s tech for what used to be done with RTF – in other words, they’re formatted text files, but instead of an obscure RTF syntax it’s all done with plain ASCII characters, just like on GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Jira.

And this is great news, because then having the ability to render markdown in XAML means we get to format other things that used to be strictly plain text – like message boxes:

The language server can also supply such formatted content for tooltips and parameter info, so there’s a non-zero chance @description annotations in RD3 can even honor such formatting when present in docstrings.

The editor shell will support editing and rendering markdown documents, so your project can include a file that you can edit and preview directly in the editor.

It also makes a nice document type to display a startup/”welcome” tab that describes the latest features after an update, again a bit like Visual Studio does.

VBA Code

Text files that the editor understands to be Classic-VB code files (this will have to be based on their respective file extensions) that contain the code for VBProject components that may or may not belong to the workspace of the project that’s in the VBE. Because we’re working off exported files and a .rdproj tells us what libraries are referenced and where to go find what modules for that project, we can now also edit “orphaned files”, as we are no longer constrained to editing code files that belong to the host project!

.rdproj, and consequences

Among the many challenges in RD2, was the fact that we wanted to avoid cluttering our users’ files with any kind of non-code metadata. For example at one point an idea was floated around for hijacking just one single module and having it contain nothing other than commented-out project metadata. Or perhaps carrying this metadata in a file alongside the host document. None of these approaches were going to be enjoyable to use, so instead RD2 dropped the idea of having any per-project configurations, because in RD2 the host document is the single source of truth.

That’s one of the many things changing with v3.0: because the truth has moved outside of the host document and into workspace folders, we now have a per-project physical location to put Rubberduck metadata in.

If we are to hope for feature parity with 2.x, the add-in needs to tell the language server about the project, including the location of referenced libraries. In RD2 we would simply acquire the project references and proceed to extract the types and members, but the language server in RD3 knows absolutely nothing about COM and does exactly zero interop with the VBIDE – so we needed a way to pass the information along without twisting the LSP in ways that would make it impossible for clients other than the Rubberduck Editor to use our language server. Not that it’s a requirement, but the idea is to do things right, not just to make it work for our purposes: if we strictly adhere to the language server protocol (LSP) specifications, then at least in theory it would be simple to write an addin client for any other LSP-capable editor, including VSCode. It’s not a target to write such a client, but having the possibility to do it is.

So rather than coming up with a way to serialize that information and pass it to the server through custom initialization parameters (the protocol defines an “additional data” dictionary that could theoretically be used for this), the addin will generate and maintain a .rdproj file whenever it exports source files to the workspace.

This “Rubberduck Project” file will contain basic information such as the Rubberduck version, a URI for the project root, and then a URI for each library reference (or perhaps just a ProgID string? Or a GUID representing its CLSID? All of the above? 🤔 TBD) and another URI for each module in the project. This isn’t completely final because it’s pretty much just about to be implemented, but the idea would be to end up serializing to a file that would look something like this:

"rubberduck" : "3.0.0",
"project" : {
"references" : [
"modules" : [{
"name" : "ThisWorkbook",
"super" : "Workbook",
"uri" : "file://relative/path"
}, {
"name" : "Sheet1",
"super" : "Worksheet",
"uri" : "file://relative/path"
}, {
"name" : "Module1",
"uri" : "file://relative/path"

Of particular note are the document module supertypes, which is information RD2 manages to collect from in-process ITypeInfo pointers that the language server in RD3 isn’t going to have access to, by virtue of running in an entirely separate process.

This means the RD3 addin has the following responsibilities:

  • Connect/Disconnect the VBIDE host;
  • Import/Export modules into the VBE and workspace folders;
  • All debugger functionalities;
  • Execute Rubberduck unit tests (VBA code);
  • Collect any ITypeLib/ITypeInfo metadata that can be collected for a VBProject.
  • Start/Shutdown the Rubberduck Editor;

That’s quite a lot already, and these bullet points already make it clear that the single responsibility of the Rubberduck.dll library must encompass every single interaction with the VBIDE, including the native Office CommandBar controls.

It’s a lot already, but that’s the complete extent of it – which means RD3 connects and loads as a VBIDE addin when the VBE starts up, …but then it doesn’t need to resolve the entirety of Rubberduck at startup, which means a splash screen isn’t even warranted here because we’re completely loaded and good to go in the blink of an eye, and it’s (mostly) not even because of dotnet 7! In other words, RD3 restores the Alt+F11 performance and sharpness you know and love.

The last bullet in the list is why: the VBE loads the RD3 VBIDE add-in, and uses JsonRPC messages to communicate with the Rubberduck Editor process. The editor in turn starts the language server, and each process runs in its own separate silo while running periodical “health checks” to ensure there’s still a client process on the other end – if a server loses its client, it shuts down; if a client loses its server, it can just start a new one and carry on without much disruption.

The addin becomes a lightweight launcher that extends the VBE by exposing menu commands that pop an “About” box, or start the Rubberduck Editor app. It wouldn’t be outside of its scope to also launch update and telemetry servers, and since the settings are shared between all processes, a command to bring up Rubberduck settings could be in-scope as well.

Next Steps

Work on the Rubberduck Editor is only getting started! Without thinking too far ahead, here’s what’s to come:

  • Window chrome controls and resize thumb
  • Put everything together to serialize .rdproj
  • “New Rubberduck Project” dialog UI
  • Import/export VBProject commands
  • Document tab host
  • Docking panels, side/tool panels
  • “Welcome” markdown document tab
  • Open/close text and other document types
  • Save, save as commands
  • Settings dialog UI
  • About dialog UI

And then that’s just what can move forward to completion in the Rubberduck Editor part without the server side – but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to the airport, as they say.

Both telemetry and update server applications have their skeletons done and can be started and debugged just like the language server.

Update Server

By running this server separately from the rest, we can get RD3 to update itself without needing to leave the VBE or close the host application and everything you’re working on: if the update server is so configured, it can tell the addin to shut down, which in turn shuts down the Rubberduck Editor, which shuts down the language server.

At that point none of the Rubberduck libraries are in use, and the update server can overwrite them with a newer version before instructing you to manually load the Rubberduck addin which again starts pretty much instantly.

This only requires that we package and ship the update server separately from the addin… kind of like how Visual Studio does.

Telemetry Server

One of the things we want RD3 to address, is just getting basic feature usage information so there’s data out there to help diagnose and prioritize any issues. Logging in RD2 is pretty extensive and verbose already, but it’s very organic and missing in some places; in RD3 logging is built into the base classes for every server-side handler, and with requests coming in asynchronously we need a better way to track what entries belong to which request, and this is exactly what telemetry logs do. The telemetry server will be fully configurable and will never transmit any PII information anywhere. As it handles telemetry events, this server serializes and enqueues telemetry payloads; the queue can then be reviewed, filtered, manually transmitted or cleared, or it can be configured to transmit periodically in batches – the receiving end will be hosted on, and there’s a storage concern that may require severely limiting how much data we can keep around and aggregate (probably going to need to sample the data / reject most payloads!), but that’s a concern for another day.

Ultimately the goal is to surface the entire dataset through some explorable dashboards, charts, and tables on the website, so everyone can see what data is being collected: exactly none of it is going to be a secret.

The language server will be able to send language-level telemetry data, on top of everything else that’s useful for debugging. Aggregating this data would allow us to expose how our users are using VBA, from simple metrics like the number of modules in a project to interesting tidbits such as the average number of expressions in a conditional, or what kind of loop constructs people use the most (e.g. While…Wend vs Do…Loop), whether our users declare and fire custom events, implement interfaces, …anything we can think of, really. This obviously isn’t a priority, but it’s been on my mind ever since I heard the Microsoft Excel product team mention they haven’t got the slightest idea of what people do with VBA: seen by the right eyes this data could, ironically, eventually possibly contribute to achieving feature-parity in the VBA alternatives being developed by Microsoft… or rest the case that VBA cannot be taken away because what people do with it involves things that aren’t going to be supported in prospective so-called alternatives (looking at you, OfficeJS).

Development of Rubberduck 3.0 continues, stay tuned for updates, as I’ll be posting here all along the journey.

RD3 Update – October 2023

Things were moving pretty fast with the prototype, but moving on to the actual LSP-driven project hit a roadblock as far as actually achieving the cross-process JsonRPC communications. I put it aside for a while, hoping to get back to it later, and then summer arrived and real-life stuff kept me busy. Renovations in Rubberduck, renovations at home.

Wow time flies, pretty much six months have elapsed since the last status update, and now it’s Hacktoberfest again already! So what happened?

RPC Issues

For about five of those six months, not much moved forward, but ideas kept brewing all along, and the RPC issues have now been resolved.

So, where’s RD3 at?

Clean Start, Clean Exit

When the VBE loads RD3, the add-in starts a separate language server process and connects to it through the language server protocol (LSP), using the very same technology that Microsoft put in VSCode, via the OmniSharp libraries. When the add-in is unloaded from the VBE (whether manually or as the host application shuts down), the server receives both Shutdown and Exit notifications, and once they’re handled and the server actually shuts down we’ll be left with a clean exit every time.

Logging is implemented on both client and server sides, and while debugging the startup and initialization was a bit painful (can’t start the server from Visual Studio, and can’t hook up the debugger quickly enough to attach in time to see what’s going on), now that it’s done the server process can be attached after it starts, so we can hit breakpoints in the server code.


Perhaps the biggest achievement is that RD3 is now building with .net 7.0, save for a specific library that has to target Framework 4.8.1 because of its use of a number of COM-marshaling methods that don’t (yet?) exist in .net core: that’s the parts dealing with unmanaged memory and pointer magic, that allow RD2 to run unit tests, among other things.

Because everything else is under .net7, Rubberduck gets to leverage all the amazing enhancements that have been brought to the C# language and development platform in the past, uh, decade or so. RD3 will likely release under .net8, which has long-term support from Microsoft.

There’s a catch though: this means RD3 will not be able to run on old, officially unsupported versions of Windows – we’re forfeiting them, in favor of being able to leverage the many enhancements being made to the .net platform. At this stage it’s still unclear exactly what this means for VB6 support: for now the focus is integrating with the VBIDE in VBA, but nothing says VB6 support is being ditched – it was just simpler to exclude that one RD library from the solution for now.


One of the first pieces of Rubberduck written around this time back in 2014 – the settings I/O and modeling – has officially been axed at long last. Since forever, Rubberduck settings have been serialized to an XML configuration file. In RD3 that’s changing to JSON and much simplified abstractions. In RD2 the default settings live in an XML-encoded “Settings.settings” file that’s a pure nightmare to maintain; in RD3 defaults are moving back into the code itself (I know, it’s data, not code per se), with each serializable struct implementing a generic IDefaultSettingsProvider interface that mandates the presence of a “Default” member that returns a static instance of that settings struct (e.g. LanguageServerSettings.Default, returns a LanguageServerSettings instance with the hard-coded default values.

JSON settings is how pretty much everyone else does it, and there’s a reason for that: the format is much easier to read and manually edit. Plus we already have JSON involved with the RPC messages between client and server. XML was originally adopted because that was the format for Visual Studio’s own settings and configuration under .net Framework 4.x.. and today it’s JSON everywhere.

Rubberduck Editor

Last spring the prototype editor was being integrated into the VBE using essentially the same mechanics used in RD2 for the dockable toolwindows, just undocked and basically turned into just another VBIDE document window.

With the project now under .net7, it turns out we can now have actual WPF/XAML windows in Rubberduck, so there is no more need to implement the entire UI as user controls that are embedded inside a WinForms user control that gets injected into a native toolwindow.

The RD3 editor will let go of most of the native VBIDE integration, and live in a separate window – very much like the Power Query Editor in Excel. The only native UI components in RD3 are the Rubberduck menu items, which have been boiled down to just “Show Editor” and “About” commands, both of which will now bring up a fully WPF UI, rather than a WPF UI embedded in a WinForms dialog: the Rubberduck Editor will be its own application, and we’ll have full control over everything that happens inside that editor.

The downside (if it is one), is that we have to implement basic commands such as Copy and Paste, as well as toolwindows we take for granted, like Properties and Object Browser.

At this stage the editor shell is able to display tab documents bound to a ViewModel; tabs can be moved around, torn from the main window and dragged to another monitor, or docked inside the editor shell. I’m now working on figuring out how the toolwindows are going to work; I’d like something similar to Visual Studio, but the Dragablz library would need to be forked and updated with such capabilities… the “toolwindows” aren’t docking and don’t work in a way that would make sense in a code editor.


This does impact the VBA dev workflow: in RD2 the single source of truth was the VBE. In RD3 that’s no longer the case, since the VBE isn’t going to contain the code that’s being edited. The single source of truth in RD3 is going to be moving to the Rubberduck Editor, and the editor will be working off code files exported to file system folders, dubbed “workspace folders”.

When the Debug/Run command is executed, the RDE will save all modified documents to the workspace, synchronize the host VBA project components to mirror it, and then the VBE takes over from that point on (RDE window will minimize itself) to compile and actually run/debug the project.

The host VBA project can also be synchronized any time you want, using the File/Synchronize command – and the editor will run a FileSystemWatcher on workspace folders, so it will detect any external changes/additions/deletions, and immediately notify the language server. If external changes are detected on a file that is opened in the editor, it will prompt to either reload the document, or keep the editor version if it has unsaved changes (thus discarding the external changes).

In RD2 you had to manually tell Rubberduck about changes occurring in the VBE, because automatically parsing on idle involved low-level keyboard hooks and since these hooks were already involved in auto completion and hotkeys, it was deemed too invasive, and ran against the basic premise of the parser, which is that we’re operating with legal, compilable code.

This all changes dramatically in RD3. Because the editor is fully managed, nothing happens in it without the language server receiving requests and notifications. Content changes synchronize in real-time, the editor receives responses with completion lists, syntax errors to highlight (squiggles!), or edits (e.g. auto-formatting etc.) made server-side that the editor immediately carries into the code pane as you type – exactly like how Visual Studio and VSCode and any other modern-day code editor that works with a language server.

The server works asynchronously and out of process, so long-running tasks can send progress notifications, and even partial responses – for example a completion list might only include names to render the list in the client, and the associated tooltips and commands might be sent a few milliseconds later.


As was mentioned before, the one thing the RDE cannot do, is attach as a debugger to your running VBA code. When you debug, the RDE will minimize itself and leave the VBE in charge. Edit-and-continue poses a particular challenge: after a debug session, the RDE doesn’t know if anything was modified in the VBE, and its file system watchers cannot help because code doesn’t just magically export itself back to the workspace folders – so here’s what we’re looking at:

  • When a debug session is launched from the RDE, code gets synchronized into the VBE before it is compiled and executed;
  • If the RDE is re-focused and the VBE is back into edit mode (i.e. debug session has ended), the entire workspace gets refreshed with a new export from the VBE;
  • If the RDE is re-focused during a debug session, document tabs will be read-only and the status bar will indicate why;
  • If the host application crashes, or the debug session does not end with the RDE being brought back before the host application shuts down, then the single source of truth resides safely in the host document and the workspace will synchronize next time the RDE loads this project;
  • Any edits made to the exported workspace files during a debug session would be overwritten and lost when the session ends and the RDE is re-focused, unless source control is involved and the changes were committed – in which case the modifications can then be recovered from source control.

Breakpoints cannot be set programmatically either, so the RDE will likely not support them. Bookmarks have a similar problem, in that the VBIDE API doesn’t really let us manipulate them, however the RDE can very well have its own bookmarks system. Debugger toolwindows (immediate, locals, call stack, etc.) are also not going to be present in the Rubberduck Editor, since they’d all be useless without a debugger attached.

User Interface

Some parts of RD2 XAML markup may survive, but really the intent is to make the RDE have a consistent, pleasing, modern, intuitive, and functional user interface for all of its functionalities. Because we’re no longer confined to a WinForms/native host, key/command bindings (hotkeys) will no longer require any kind of bug-prone hooking; focus should behave much more naturally as well, and drag-and-drop is going to be a breeze with the Dragablz library. RD3 basically entails crafting an entire IDE UI from scratch, starting with the editor shell.

The RDE window features a complete menu bar (largely inspired from Visual Studio’s), an actual status bar, and the client area consists of a Dockablz layout panel hosting a Dragablz document tab container.

Some more tinkering is still needed around toolwindows, because what we get out of the box with Dragablz is not going to work for our purposes. Perhaps there’s a way to split the left and right docking areas in two so there’s a distinct drop location for toolwindows that displays them with the tabs at the bottom, but for now there’s no such thing and toolwindows are essentially just another type of document tab.

Another thing that will need attention ideally before the entire UI is done, is theming: indeed it would be sad to make our own editor from scratch without supporting light, dark, and custom themes and syntax highlighting!

Server Side

The LSP server is in place, handling server lifecycle requests and notifications. The next step is to beef up the initialization to send the server information about the project(s) loaded in the VBE, including whether it’s an unsaved new blank project or an existing one hosted in a saved document, and a URI for each library reference so the server can load them and extract all the types and their respective members.

Then we’ll need to setup the actual workspace folders and parse any code files in them – and when we’re done doing that we can send the semantic tokens to the editor to perform syntax highlighting and folding ranges, all while the server starts running diagnostics/inspections, prioritizing the documents that are opened in the editor. The client-side code for this was written in the prototyping stage, so it’s not complete but exactly how that’s going to work is already all figured out.


The last quarter of 2023 is likely to see lots of progress on all fronts: with LSP in place and a working but bare-bones editor, I can see myself focusing on UI work mostly, while other contributors hop on and work on server-side processing – much of which will have to be ported from the RD2 code base and reworked to fit the new paradigms.

There is a lot of work ahead, but with the client/server communications happening, things that have been on our minds for years, are about to get very real.

The ball is rolling, and nothing will stop it.

Declaring and Using Variables in VBA

Among the very first language keywords one comes across when learning VBA, is the Dim keyword; declaring and using variables is easily the first step one takes on their journey away from the macro recorder.

About Scopes

Before we can really understand what variables do and what they’re useful for, we need to have a minimal grasp of the concept of scoping. When you record a macro, the executable instructions get written for you inside a procedure scope that’s delimited with Sub and End Sub tokens (tokens are the grammatical elements of the language, not necessarily single keywords), with the identifier name of the macro after the Sub keyword:

Sub DoSomething()
    ' executable code goes here
End Sub

Exactly none of the above code is executable, but compiling it creates an entry point that the VBA runtime can invoke and execute, because the procedure is implicitly public and as such, can be accessed from outside the “Module1” module it exists in (with or without Option Private Module). In other words the above code could tell us explicitly what the scope of the DoSomething procedure is, using the Public keyword before the Sub token:

Public Sub DoSomething()
    ' executable code goes here
End Sub

If we used Private instead, then Excel (or whatever the host application is) could not “see” it, so you would no longer find DoSomething in the list of available macros, and other modules in the same VBA project couldn’t “see” or invoke it either; a private procedure is only callable from other procedures in the same module.

Standard modules are themselves public, so you can refer to them from any other module in your project, and invoke their public members using the member access operator, the dot:

Public Sub DoStuff()
End Sub

Because public members of public modules become part of a global namespace, the public members can be referred to without an explicit qualifier:

Public Sub DoStuff()
End Sub

While convenient to type, it also somewhat obscures exactly what code is being invoked: without an IDE and a “navigate to definition” command, it would be pretty hard to know where that other procedure is located.

The global namespace contains not only the public identifiers from your VBA project, but also all the public identifiers from every referenced library, and they don’t need to be qualified either so that’s how you can invoke the VBA.Interaction.MsgBox function without qualifying with the library or module it’s defined in. If you write your own MsgBox function, every unqualified MsgBox call in that project is now invoking that new custom function, because VBA always prioritizes the host VBA project’s own type library over the referenced ones (every VBA project references the VBA standard library and the type library that defines the COM extension and automation model for the host application).

But that’s all going outward from a module: within a module, there are two levels of scoping: module level members can be accessed from anywhere in the module, and procedure level declarations can be accessed from anywhere inside that procedure.

Module-level declarations use Public and Private modifiers, and procedure-level ones use the Dim keyword. Dim is legal at module level too, but because Private and Public are only legal at module level (you can’t use them for procedure scope / “local” declarations), Rubberduck encourages you to use Dim for locals only.

For example a variable declared in a conditional block is allocated when the stack frame is entered regardless of the state when the condition gets evaluated, and a variable declared inside a loop body is the same variable outside that loop, and for every iteration of that loop as well: there is no “block scope” in VBA.

Non-Executable Statements

Procedures don’t only contain executable instructions: Dim statements, like statements with Private and Public modifiers, are declarative and do not do anything. You cannot place a debugger breakpoint (F9) on such statements, either. This is important to keep in mind: the smallest scope in VBA is the procedure scope, and it includes the parameters and all the local declarations of that procedure – regardless of where in the procedure body they’re declared at, so the reason to declare variables as you need them has more to do with reducing mental load and making it easier to later extract a method by moving a chunk of code into another procedure scope. Declaring all locals at the top of a procedure often results in unused variables dangling, because of the constant up-and-down, back-and-forth scrolling that inevitably happens when a procedure eventually grows; the further a variable is out of its context, the more it becomes a liability.

Const statements (to declare constant values) are also legal in local/procedure scope, and they’re identically non-executable; the same applies to Static declarations (variables that retain their value between invocations).

ReDim statements however are executable, even though they also count as a compile-time declaration – but they don’t count as a duplicate declaration, so the presence of ReDim doesn’t really justify skipping an initial Dim declaration.

Explicitness as an Option

Not only access modifiers can be implicit in VBA; the language lets you define a Variant variable on the fly, without a prior explicit declaration. If this behavior is practical for getting the job done and will indeed work perfectly fine, it’s also unnecessarily putting you at risk of typos that will only become a problem at run-time, if you’re lucky close enough to the source of the problem to hunt down and debug. By specifying Option Explicit at the top of every module, the compiler will treat implicit declarations as compile-time errors, telling you about the problem before it even becomes one.

Option Explicit has its limits though, and won’t protect you from typos in late-bound member calls, where invoking a member that doesn’t exist on a given object throws error 438 at run-time.

When to Declare a Variable

There are many reasons to declare a variable, but if you’re cleaning up macro recorder code the first thing you’ll want to do is to remove the dependency on Selection and qualify Range and Cells member calls with a proper Worksheet object.

For example before might look like this:

Sub Macro1
    Range("A10") = 42
    Range("B10") = 42
End Sub

And after might look like this:

Public Sub Macro1()
    Dim Sheet As Worksheet
    Set Sheet = ActiveSheet
    Sheet.Range("A10") = 42
    Sheet.Range("B10") = 42
End Sub

The two procedures do exactly the same thing, but only one of them is doing it reliably. If the Sheet2 worksheet is already active, then there’s no difference and both versions produce identical output. Otherwise, one of them writes to whatever the ActiveSheet is, activates Sheet2, and then writes to that sheet.

There’s a notion of state in the first snippet that adds to the number of things you need to track and think about in order to understand what’s going on. Using variables, exactly what sheet is active at any point during execution has no impact whatsoever on the second snippet, beyond the initial assignment.

It’s that (global) state that’s behind erratic behavior such as code working differently when you leave it alone than when you step through – especially when loops start getting involved. Managing that global state makes everything harder than necessary.

Keep your state close, and your ducky closer, they say.

Set: With or Without?

Not being explicit can make the code read ambiguously, especially when you consider that objects in VBA can have default members. In the above snippets, the value 42 reads like it’s assigned to… the object that’s returned by the Range property getter of the Worksheet class. And that’s weird, because normally you would assign to a property of an object, not the object itself. VBA understands what it needs to do here, because the Range class says “I have a default member!” and that default member is implemented in such a way that giving it the value 42 does exactly the same as if the Range.Value member was being invoked explicitly. Because that behavior is an implementation detail, it means the only way to know is to read its documentation.

The Set keyword modifies an assignment instruction and says “we’re assigning an object reference”, so VBA doesn’t try to check if there’s a default member on the left-hand side of the assignment operator, and the compiler expects an object reference on the right-hand side, …and then only throws at run-time when that isn’t the case – but because this information is all statically available at compile-time, Rubberduck can warn about such suspicious assignments.

So to assign a variable that holds a reference to a Range object, we must use the Set keyword. To assign a variable that holds the value of a Range object, we must not use the Set keyword. Declaring an explicit data type for every variable (meaning not only declaring things, but also typing them) helps prevent very preventable bugs and subtle issues that can be hard to debug.

As SomethingExplicit

Whether Public or Private, whether local or global, most variables are better off with a specific data type using an As clause:

  • Dim IsSomething
  • Dim SomeNumber As Long
  • Dim SomeAmount As Currency
  • Dim SomeValue As Double
  • Dim SomeDateTime As Date
  • Dim SomeText As String
  • Dim SomeSheet As Worksheets
  • Dim SomeCell As Range

Using an explicit data/class/interface type, especially with objects, helps keep things early-bound, meaning both the compiler and static code analysis tools (like Rubberduck) can better tell what’s going on before the code actually gets to run.

We can often chain member calls; the Worksheets collection’s indexer necessarily yields a Worksheet object, no?

Public Sub Macro1()
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = 42
End Sub

If you manually type this instruction, you’ll notice something awkward that should be unexpected when you type the dot operator after Worksheets(“Sheet1”), because the property returns an Object interface… which tells VBA it has members that can be invoked, but leaves no compile-time clue about any of them. That’s why the Range member call is late-bound and only resolved at run-time, and because the compiler has no idea what the members are until the code is running, it cannot populate the completion list with the members of Worksheet, and will merrily compile and attempt to invoke a Range member.

By breaking the chain and declaring variables, we restore compile-time validations:

Public Sub Macro1()
    Dim Sheet As Worksheet
    Set Sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
    Sheet.Range("A1").Value = 42
End Sub

When NOT to Declare Variables

Variables are so nice, sometimes we declare them even when we don’t need them. There are many valid reasons to use a variable, including abstracting the result of an expression behind its value. Assuming every variable is assigned and referenced somewhere, there are still certain variables that are always redundant!

Objects are sneaky little things… not only can they have a default member that gets implicitly invoked, they can also have a default instance that lives in the global scope and is always named after the class it’s an instance of.

Declaring a local variable to hold a copy of a reference to an object that’s already globally accessible, is always redundant! Document modules (in Excel that’s ThisWorkbook and the Worksheet modules) and UserForms always have such a default instance:

Public Sub Macro1()
    Dim WB As Workbook
    Set WB = ThisWorkbook 'redundant and obscures intent!
    Dim Sheet As Worksheet
    Set Sheet = Sheet1 'redundant, just use Sheet1 directly!
End Sub

Sprinkle Generously

Variables are a simple but powerful tool in your arsenal. Using them enhances the abstraction level of your code, practices your brain to stop and think about naming things, can help prevent binding errors and remove implicit late-binding / keep your code entirely visible to the compiler and Rubberduck. Used wisely, variables can make a huge difference between messy and redundant macro-recorder code and squeaky-clean, professionally-written VBA code.

Lightweight MVVM in VBA

A little while ago already, I went and explored dynamic UI with MSForms in VBA through a lens tinted with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) concepts, and ended up implementing a working prototype Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) framework for VBA… across a hundred and some modules covering everything from property and command bindings to input and model validation. I’m still planning to build an actual COM library for it one day – for now I’m entirely focused on everything around Rubberduck3.

Although… the last month or so has actually been mostly about publishing the new website and setting up the Ko-fi shop: the new website is not without issues (search links are broken, for one), but the source code ownership has been transferred to the rubberduck-vba organization on GitHub and I’m satisfied enough with it to move on.

But then there’s operating the shop. When an order comes in, there’s a worksheet (duh!) with a Sales table where I enter the invoice line items sold using a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) code that identifies each item sold; the Inventory table picks up the sale and calculates a new Available to Sell figure.

But tracking items sold isn’t the whole picture: an Invoice table tracks the actual totals including the shipping charges and actual shipping costs (currently 24% underwater, but I’ve since adjusted the shipping charges to better reflect reality), computing the Cost of Goods Sold, and ultimately a profit margin.

So for each invoice, I know I need:

  • Invoice number and date
  • Billing/shipping information (name, address, etc.)
  • The number of units sold per SKU, with the amount paid by the customer
  • The shipping charge paid by the customer

And then I manually prepare the invoice document. Such a waste of time, right? Of course I couldn’t leave it at that – all I needed was a UserForm to enter all that, and a command that would update the merchandise planning workbook and prepare the invoice document for me.

Thing is, I wanted that form to use property bindings and some extent of MVVM, but I wasn’t going to import the 100+ modules of the old MVVM prototype code. So instead, I made a “lite” version.

The accompanying code for this article is in the Rubberduck Examples repository.

Property Bindings

Bindings and the propagation of property value changes are the core mechanics that make MVVM work, and we don’t need dozens of classes for that.

We do need INotifyPropertyChanged and IHandlePropertyChanged interfaces:

Option Explicit
Public Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal Name As String)
End Sub
Public Sub RegisterHandler(ByVal Handler As IHandlePropertyChanged)
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal Name As String)
End Sub

These interfaces are important, because the bindings need to handle property changed events; the View Model needs to invoke the registered callbacks. This is used in place of actual events, because interfaces in VBA don’t expose events, and we want an abstraction around property changes, so that everything that needs to notify about property changes can do so in a standardized way.

The IHandlePropertyChanged interface is to be implemented by property binding classes, such as this TextBoxValueBinding class:

Option Explicit
Implements IHandlePropertyChanged
Private WithEvents UI As MSForms.TextBox

Private Type TBinding
    Source As Object
    SourceProperty As String
End Type

Private This As TBinding

Public Sub Initialize(ByVal Control As MSForms.TextBox, ByVal Source As Object, ByVal SourceProperty As String)
    Set UI = Control
    Set This.Source = Source
    This.SourceProperty = SourceProperty
    If TypeOf Source Is INotifyPropertyChanged Then RegisterPropertyChanges Source
End Sub

Private Sub RegisterPropertyChanges(ByVal Source As INotifyPropertyChanged)
    Source.RegisterHandler Me
End Sub

Private Sub IHandlePropertyChanged_OnPropertyChanged(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal Name As String)
    If Source Is This.Source And Name = This.SourceProperty Then
        UI.Text = VBA.Interaction.CallByName(This.Source, This.SourceProperty, VbGet)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub UI_Change()
    VBA.Interaction.CallByName This.Source, This.SourceProperty, VbLet, UI.Value
End Sub

A binding has a source and a target object and property; the source is a ViewModel object, and the target is a MSForms control, in this case a TextBox. The binding must handle the control’s events to update the source whenever the value of the target changes. In this limited version we’re only going to handle the Change event, but if we wanted we could go further and handle KeyDown here to implement input validation. Some error handling wouldn’t hurt, either.

Because everything that involves notifying about property changes is standardized through interfaces, we can make a PropertyChangeNotification helper class to register the handlers:

Option Explicit
Private Handlers As VBA.Collection

Public Sub AddHandler(ByVal Handler As IHandlePropertyChanged)
    Handlers.Add Handler
End Sub

Public Sub Notify(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal Name As String)
    Dim Handler As IHandlePropertyChanged
    For Each Handler In Handlers
        Handler.OnPropertyChanged Source, Name
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set Handlers = New VBA.Collection
End Sub

This class is responsible for holding a reference to a collection of handlers, and a Notify method invokes the OnPropertyChange method on each registered handler.


The OrderHeaderModel class is the binding source, so it exposes a property representing the value of each field in the form. The Property Let procedures are all structured as follows:

  • If current encapsulated value is not equal to the new value
    • Set the current value to the new value
    • Notify of a property change

ViewModel classses need to implement INotifyPropertyChange, and the implementation simply uses an instance of the helper class above to do its thing:

Option Explicit
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged

Private Notification As New PropertyChangeNotification


Private Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal Name As String)
    INotifyPropertyChanged_OnPropertyChanged Me, Name
End Sub

Private Sub INotifyPropertyChanged_OnPropertyChanged(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal Name As String)
    Notification.Notify Source, Name
End Sub

Private Sub INotifyPropertyChanged_RegisterHandler(ByVal Handler As IHandlePropertyChanged)
    Notification.AddHandler Handler
End Sub

The private OnPropertyChanged method further simplifies the notification by providing the Source argument, which needs to be an instance of the ViewModel, so that’s always Me. So the properties all look more or less like this:

Public Property Get OrderNumber() As Long
    OrderNumber = This.OrderNumber
End Property

Public Property Let OrderNumber(ByVal Value As Long)
    If This.OrderDate <> Value Then
        This.OrderNumber = Value
        OnPropertyChanged "OrderNumber"
    End If
End Property

The ViewModel is inherently domain-specific, so for a form that collects information about an order we’re going to be looking at properties like OrderNumber, OrderDate, BillToName, ShipToAddress, etc.; in another application, a ViewModel could be a completely different thing – it all really depends on what the thing is meant to do. But no matter what the domain is, a ViewModel will be implementing INotifyPropertyChanged as shown above.


Implementing the View (the form’s code-behind module) boils down to setting up all the necessary bindings, and we do this using a PropertyBindings helper module:

Option Explicit

'@Description "Binds a MSForms.Control property to a source property"
Public Function BindProperty(ByVal Control As MSForms.Control, ByVal ControlProperty As String, ByVal SourceProperty As String, ByVal Source As Object, Optional ByVal InvertBoolean As Boolean = False) As OneWayPropertyBinding
    Dim Binding As OneWayPropertyBinding
    Set Binding = New OneWayPropertyBinding
    Binding.Initialize Control, ControlProperty, Source, SourceProperty, InvertBoolean
    Set BindProperty = Binding

End Function

'@Description "Binds the Text/Value of a MSForms.TextBox to a source property"
Public Function BindTextBox(ByVal Control As MSForms.TextBox, ByVal SourceProperty As String, ByVal Source As Object) As TextBoxValueBinding
    Dim Binding As TextBoxValueBinding
    Set Binding = New TextBoxValueBinding
    Binding.Initialize Control, Source, SourceProperty
    Set BindTextBox = Binding
End Function

'@Description "Binds the Text of a MSForms.ComboBox to a String source property"
Public Function BindComboBox(ByVal Control As MSForms.ComboBox, ByVal SourceProperty As String, ByVal Source As Object) As ComboBoxValueBinding
    Dim Binding As ComboBoxValueBinding
    Set Binding = New ComboBoxValueBinding
    Binding.Initialize Control, Source, SourceProperty
    Set BindComboBox = Binding

End Function

'@Description "Binds the Value of a MSForms.CheckBox to a Boolean source property"
Public Function BindCheckBox(ByVal Control As MSForms.CheckBox, ByVal SourceProperty As String, ByVal Source As Object) As CheckBoxValueBinding
    Dim Binding As CheckBoxValueBinding
    Set Binding = New CheckBoxValueBinding
    Binding.Initialize Control, Source, SourceProperty
    Set BindCheckBox = Binding

End Function

As you can see each MSForms control gets its Binding class, and a OneWayPropertyBinding binds a source property to a target property without notifying for target changes (so without listening for control events) – this is useful for binding labels, ListBox/ComboBox contents, and anything else that doesn’t involve control events.

The form has a private ConfigureBindings method (invoked from the UserForm_Initialize handler) where we essentially map each one of the form controls to corresponding ViewModel properties:

Private Sub ConfigureBindings(ByVal Model As INotifyPropertyChanged)

    Const EnabledProperty As String = "Enabled"
    Const ListProperty As String = "List"
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.BillToNameBox, "BillToName", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.BillToAddressLine1, "BillToLine1", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.BillToAddressLine2, "BillToLine2", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.BillToAddressLine3, "BillToLine3", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.BillToEmailBox, "EmailAddress", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindCheckBox(Me.BillToContributorBox, "IsContributor", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindCheckBox(Me.ShipToSameBox, "ShipToBillingAddress", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.ShipToNameBox, "ShipToName", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.ShipToAddressLine1, "ShipToLine1", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.ShipToAddressLine2, "ShipToLine2", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.ShipToAddressLine3, "ShipToLine3", This.OrderModel)
    This.Bindings.Add BindProperty(Me.ShipToAddressLabel, EnabledProperty, "ShipToBillingAddress", This.OrderModel, InvertBoolean:=True)
    This.Bindings.Add BindProperty(Me.ShipToNameLabel, EnabledProperty, "ShipToBillingAddress", This.OrderModel, InvertBoolean:=True)
    This.Bindings.Add BindProperty(Me.ShipToNameBox, EnabledProperty, "ShipToBillingAddress", This.OrderModel, InvertBoolean:=True)
    This.Bindings.Add BindProperty(Me.ShipToAddressLine1, EnabledProperty, "ShipToBillingAddress", This.OrderModel, InvertBoolean:=True)
    This.Bindings.Add BindProperty(Me.ShipToAddressLine2, EnabledProperty, "ShipToBillingAddress", This.OrderModel, InvertBoolean:=True)
    This.Bindings.Add BindProperty(Me.ShipToAddressLine3, EnabledProperty, "ShipToBillingAddress", This.OrderModel, InvertBoolean:=True)
    This.Bindings.Add BindProperty(Me.ItemSkuSelectBox, ListProperty, "Value", InventorySheet.Table.ListColumns("SKU").DataBodyRange)
    This.Bindings.Add BindComboBox(Me.ItemSkuSelectBox, "SKU", This.OrderModel.NewLineItem)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.ItemQuantityBox, "Quantity", This.OrderModel.NewLineItem)
    This.Bindings.Add BindTextBox(Me.ItemPriceBox, "Price", This.OrderModel.NewLineItem)
    This.Bindings.Add BindProperty(Me.LineItemsList, ListProperty, "LineItems", This.OrderModel)

End Sub

This rather straightforward configuration completely replaces event handlers. That’s right: the bindings take care of the control events for us, so checking the ShipToSameBox checkbox automatically disables the ShipToNameLabel, ShipToAddressLabel, ShipToAddressLine1, ShipToAddressLine2, and ShipToAddressLine3 controls on the form, and un-checking it automatically enables them, and we don’t need to explicitly handle any control events to achieve this. Small note: here the View is accessing a table in InventorySheet directly, and it shouldn’t be doing that, because what SKUs are available belongs in the Model, not the View: I should instead implement a service that accesses the worksheet for me and supplies the available SKU codes.

With the form controls effectively abstracted away by the ViewModel, we never need to directly interact with MSForms to affect the View, because the property bindings do this automatically for us. This means commands can affect just the ViewModel, and doing that will automatically keep the View in sync.


This lite version of MVVM doesn’t (yet?) have command bindings, but UI commands are still abstracted behind an ICommand interface. In my case I needed a command to add a new order line item, so I implemented it like this:

Option Explicit
Implements ICommand

Private Function ICommand_CanExecute(ByVal Parameter As Object) As Boolean
    ICommand_CanExecute = TypeOf Parameter Is OrderHeaderModel
End Function

Private Sub ICommand_Execute(ByVal Parameter As Object)
    If Not TypeOf Parameter Is OrderHeaderModel Then Err.Raise 5
    Dim Model As OrderHeaderModel
    Set Model = Parameter
    Dim Item As OrderLineItemModel
    Set Item = New OrderLineItemModel
    Item.SKU = Model.NewLineItem.SKU
    Item.Quantity = Model.NewLineItem.Quantity
    Item.Price = Model.NewLineItem.Price
    Model.AddLineItem Item
End Sub

This code is completely oblivious of any form or form controls: it only knows about the OrderHeaderModel and OrderLineItemModel classes, and what it needs to do with them. Why bother implementing this in a separate class, rather than in the form’s code-behind?

Without command bindings, we do need to handle command buttons’ Click event:

Private Sub AddLineItemButton_Click()
    CmdAddLineItem.Execute OrderModel
End Sub

I don’t like having logic in event handlers, so this one-liner is perfect. Without a command class the View would need to have more code, code that isn’t directly related to the View itself, and then the commands’ dependencies would become the View‘s dependencies, and that would be wrong: if I made a “Save to Database” button, I’d want the ADODB stuff anywhere but in the form’s code-behind; command classes can have their own dependencies, so pulling commands into their own classes keeps the View cohesive and focused on its purpose.

I’m finding that MVVM works best with relatively complex forms such as this one, where some fields’ enabled state might depend on some checkbox control’s value, for example. There’s something oddly satisfying typing something in a textbox and seeing another (disabled!) textbox get updated with the same content, knowing zero event handling is going on in the form.


If the full-featured MVVM framework isn’t viable in VBA, a more lightweight version of the UI paradigm certainly is: this particular VBA project doesn’t have dozens of class modules, and yet still manages to leverage what makes Model-View-ViewModel such a compelling architecture.