‘Apply’ logic for UserForm dialog

A recent comment on UserForm1.Show asked about how to extend that logic to a dialog that would have an “Apply” button. This article walks you through the process – and this time, there’s a download link!

The dialog is a simple UserForm with two textboxes and 3 buttons:


The Model for this dialog is a simple class exposing properties that the two textboxes manipulate – I’ve named the class ExampleModel:

Option Explicit

Private Type TModel
    field1 As String
    field2 As String
End Type

Private this As TModel

Public Property Get field1() As String
    field1 = this.field1
End Property

Public Property Let field1(ByVal value As String)
    this.field1 = value
End Property

Public Property Get field2() As String
    field2 = this.field2
End Property

Public Property Let field2(ByVal value As String)
    this.field2 = value
End Property

I also defined a simple IDialogView interface, which can be implemented by any other dialog, since it passes the model as an Object (i.e. it’s not tightly coupled with the ExampleModel class in any way); the contract is simply “here’s your model, now show me a dialog and tell me if I can proceed to consume the model” – in other words, the caller provides an instance of the model, and the implementation returns True unless the user cancelled the form.

Option Explicit

Public Function ShowDialog(ByVal viewModel As Object) As Boolean
End Function

The form’s code-behind therefore needs to implement the IDialogView interface, and somehow store a reference to the ExampleModel. And since we have cancellation logic but we’re not exposing it (we don’t need to – the IDialogView.ShowDialog interface handles that concern, by returning False if the dialog is cancelled), the IsCancelled flag is just internal state.

As far as the “apply” logic is concerned, the thing to note here is the Public Event ApplyChanges event, which we raise when the user clicks the “apply” button:

Option Explicit

Public Event ApplyChanges(ByVal viewModel As ExampleModel)

Private Type TView
    IsCancelled As Boolean
    Model As ExampleModel
End Type
Private this As TView

Implements IDialogView

Private Sub AcceptButton_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub ApplyButton_Click()
    RaiseEvent ApplyChanges(this.Model)
End Sub

Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Field1Box_Change()
    this.Model.field1 = Field1Box.value
End Sub

Private Sub Field2Box_Change()
    this.Model.field2 = Field2Box.value
End Sub

Private Sub OnCancel()
    this.IsCancelled = True
End Sub

Private Function IDialogView_ShowDialog(ByVal viewModel As Object) As Boolean
    Set this.Model = viewModel
    Me.Show vbModal
    IDialogView_ShowDialog = Not this.IsCancelled
End Function

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    Field1Box.value = this.Model.field1
    Field2Box.value = this.Model.field2
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    If CloseMode = VbQueryClose.vbFormControlMenu Then
        Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

The Presenter class does all the fun stuff. Here I’ve decided to allow the model’s data to be optionally supplied as parameters to the Show method; the form handles its Activate event to make sure the form controls reflect the model’s initial values when the form is displayed:

Option Explicit
Private WithEvents view As ExampleDialog

Private Property Get Dialog() As IDialogView
    Set Dialog = view
End Property

Public Sub Show(Optional ByVal field1 As String, Optional ByVal field2 As String)

    Set view = New ExampleDialog

    Dim viewModel As ExampleModel
    Set viewModel = New ExampleModel
    viewModel.field1 = field1
    viewModel.field2 = field2

    If Dialog.ShowDialog(viewModel) Then ApplyChanges viewModel
    Set view = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub view_ApplyChanges(ByVal viewModel As ExampleModel)
    ApplyChanges viewModel
End Sub

Private Sub ApplyChanges(ByVal viewModel As ExampleModel)
    Sheet1.Range("A1").value = viewModel.field1
    Sheet1.Range("A2").value = viewModel.field2
End Sub

So we have a Private WithEvents field that gets assigned in the Show method, and we handle the form’s ApplyChanges event by invoking the ApplyChanges logic, which, for the sake of this example, takes the two fields and writes them to A1 and A2 on Sheet1; if you’ve read There is no worksheet then you know how you can introduce an interface there to decouple the worksheet from the presenter, and then it doesn’t matter if you’re writing to a worksheet, a text file, or a database: the presenter doesn’t need to know all the details.

The calling code in Module1 might look like this:

Option Explicit

Public Sub ExampleMacro()
    With New ExamplePresenter
        .Show "test"
    End With
End Sub

One problem here, is that the View implementation is coupled with the presenter (i.e. the presenter is creating the view): we need the concrete UserForm type in order for VBA to see the events; without further abstraction, we can’t quite pass a IDialogView implementation to the presenter logic without popping up the actual dialog. Pieter Geerkens has a nice answer on Stack Overflow that describes how an Adapter Pattern can be used to solve this problem by introducing more interfaces, but covering this design pattern will be the subject of another article.

16 thoughts on “‘Apply’ logic for UserForm dialog”

  1. Mille merci Mathieu, this is as usual *really* useful stuff.

    I would love-love-love to use this MVP approach with Access.
    But haven’t succeeded with it yet.

    For example, with this particular case, when I try to use this approach on Access, it runs into specific difficulties.
    Such as, a modal form seems to need to be opened via:
    DoCmd.OpenForm view.Name, acNormal, , , , acDialog

    1) I don’t know if that’s actually opening the view form object)
    2) This seems to create problems because where this line doesn’t work so well:
    If Dialog.ShowDialog(viewModel) Then ApplyChanges viewModel
    Eg. upon closing the form, the code goes back to the Presenter class, and the form’s this.IsCancelled loses its state

    I’ll keep working my way through these issues, and hopefully get there.
    But if in the meantime you have any ideas, I’d be happy to hear them 🙂

    Cheers again, really appreciate what you’re doing with this!



    1. Thanks! I’m not very familiar with Access, but I do know that Rubberduck sees Access forms are “document” modules, like a worksheet in Excel. This might explain it. Know that you can still have MSForms UserForm modules in an Access VBA project though: IIRC vanilla-AccessVBE hides the command, but Rubberduck’s code explorer doesn’t care and exposes the command anyway, so you can add a UserForm in Access if you need one. Hope it helps!


  2. I decided to convert my current project over to using proper OOP techniques, following your posts. It has a UserForm that has an Import button, Report Button and a Multi-Column-ListBox that lists all the projects from a database among other things. I’m having trouble deciding how far I want to go into defining the Model for the ListBox. It looks like I’m going to implement AddItem, List, Selected, ListCount & ListIndex properties. It’s reminding me of my awful 64-bit COM wrapper for the .Net Listview control :(.

    How would you deal with ListBox or ComboBox controls in the Model?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Controls themselves belong only in the view; in the model I’d have a getter that gives me the items I need to have in the listbox, and a read/write property for the current/selected item. The code-behind for the listbox would set the model’s selecteditem on change, and the setter for the view’s “model” property would populate the listbox. I hope it’s not too confusing, it’s a bit hard to be clear in a comment box.. it’s very similar to a ViewModel in WPF/MVVM, except instead of XAML bindings you use the controls’ event handlers to set the model properties – like I’m doing here with these textboxes.


      1. I ended up creating a model class that mimicked a lot of the the Listbox control properties/methods. If anyone (i.e. SmileyFtW) is interested in it, here is a link:

        Option Explicit
        Private Const MODULE_NAME As String = "ListModel"
        Private Type TListModel
        Data() As Variant
        Selected() As Boolean
        Columns As Integer
        Count As Integer
        Index As Integer
        End Type
        Private this As TListModel
        Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        this.Columns = 1
        this.Index = -1
        End Sub
        Public Sub Clear()
        With this
        Erase .Data
        Erase .Selected
        .Count = 0
        'Columns = 0
        .Index = -1
        End With
        End Sub
        Public Sub AddItem(Optional Item As Variant, Optional Index As Integer = -1)
        Dim r As Integer, C As Integer
        With this
        If Index < -1 Or Index > .Count Then
        Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid argument."
        ReDim Preserve .Data(.Columns – 1, .Count)
        ReDim Preserve .Selected(.Count)
        If Index >= 0 Then
        ' Move all the data after the Index row, up one row.
        For r = .Count To Index + 1 Step -1
        For C = 0 To .Columns – 1
        .Data(C, r) = .Data(C, r – 1)
        .Selected(r) = .Selected(r – 1)
        ' Clear all the data in the Index row
        For C = 0 To .Columns – 1
        Set .Data(C, Index) = Nothing
        .Selected(Index) = False
        Else ' Set the Index to the next row
        Index = .Count
        End If
        If Not IsMissing(Item) Then .Data(0, Index) = Item
        .Count = .Count + 1
        End If
        End With
        End Sub
        Public Sub RemoveItem(Index As Integer)
        Dim r As Integer, C As Integer
        With this
        If Index < 0 Or Index >= .Count Then
        Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid argument."
        ' Move all the data after the Index row, up one row.
        For r = Index + 1 To .Count – 1
        For C = 0 To .Columns – 1
        .Data(C, r – 1) = .Data(C, r)
        .Selected(r – 1) = .Selected(r)
        .Count = .Count – 1
        ReDim Preserve .Data(.Columns – 1, .Count – 1)
        ReDim Preserve .Selected(.Count – 1)
        End If
        End With
        End Sub
        Public Property Get List(Row As Integer, Optional Column As Integer = 0) As Variant
        With this
        If Row < 0 Or Row >= .Count Then
        Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array row index."
        ElseIf Column < 0 Or Column >= .Columns Then
        Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array column index."
        List = .Data(Column, Row)
        End If
        End With
        End Property
        Public Property Let List(Row As Integer, Column As Integer, Value As Variant)
        With this
        If Row < 0 Or Row >= .Count Then
        Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array row index."
        ElseIf Column < 0 Or Column >= .Columns Then
        Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array column index."
        .Data(Column, Row) = Value
        End If
        End With
        End Property
        Public Property Get Selected(Index As Integer) As Boolean
        With this
        If Index < 0 Or Index >= .Count Then
        Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array index."
        Selected = .Selected(Index)
        End If
        End With
        End Property
        Public Property Let Selected(Index As Integer, Value As Boolean)
        With this
        If Index < 0 Or Index >= .Count Then
        Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array index."
        .Selected(Index) = Value
        End If
        End With
        End Property
        Public Property Get ListCount() As Integer
        ListCount = this.Count
        End Property
        Public Property Get ListIndex() As Integer
        ListIndex = this.Index
        End Property
        Public Property Let ListIndex(Value As Integer)
        With this
        If Value < -1 Or Value >= .Count Then
        Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid argument."
        .Index = Value
        End If
        End With
        End Property
        Public Property Get ColumnCount() As Integer
        ColumnCount = this.Columns
        End Property
        Public Property Let ColumnCount(Value As Integer)
        Dim NewData() As Variant
        Dim r As Integer, C As Integer
        With this
        If Value <= 0 Then
        Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid argument."
        If .Count > 0 And .Columns <> Value Then
        ' If the columns change, we can't redim the array, we need to create a new Data array
        ReDim NewData(Value – 1, .Count – 1)
        For r = 0 To .Count – 1
        For C = 0 To Value – 1
        NewData(C, r) = .Data(C, r)
        .Data = NewData
        Erase NewData
        End If
        .Columns = Value
        End If
        End With
        End Property

        view raw


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        In the form, I called the following DisplayProjectList routine whenever I needed to update Listbox (Activate/Add/Remove):

        Private Sub DisplayProjectList()
        Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
        With this.Model.ProjectList
        For i = 0 To .ListCount – 1
        lstProjects.AddItem .List(i, 0)
        For j = 1 To .ColumnCount – 1
        lstProjects.List(i, j) = .List(i, j)
        lstProjects.Selected(i) = .Selected(i)
        lstProjects.ListIndex = .ListIndex
        ‘If lstProjects.ListCount > 0 And lstProjects.ListIndex < 0 Then lstProjects.ListIndex = 0
        End With
        End Sub

        Note: I ended up not caring about what was selected on Add (Remove doesn't matter), but
        because the Model for the ListBox included a Selected property, I also had the following:

        Private Sub lstProjects_Change()
        Dim i As Integer
        With this.Model.ProjectList
        For i = 0 To lstProjects.ListCount – 1
        .Selected(i) = lstProjects.Selected(i)
        End With
        End Sub

        For the CobmoBox control, or if you just don't care about preserving the selected items when adding a new item, you would remove all references to the Selected properties.


  3. Great stuff. If there were to be an option on the form to show one or more subsets of the list presented in the combo box how might that be done? Say there was a list of 10 values in the data table and the user could select to choose to show only the even ones, the odd ones or all via check boxes or similar, what might that be implemented?


    1. There isn’t One True Way, but I think I’d try to keep the presenter responsible for knowing what to do to get the [filtered] data (worksheet, db, hard-coded, whatever), and overwrite a property in the model that, when assigned, raises an event that the view can handle. Or the view could have some ‘Refresh’ method that clears & re-populates the comboboxes from the updated model contents; view.Refresh would be invoked from the presenter, after it finishes updating the model. So the model needs not only a property for the user-selected combobox value, it also needs a property for the desired filter, and then a property for the available values as per that filter. Basically you just do whatever needs to be done to systematically defer work out of the view and into the presenter. Eventually the model grows too large and confusing, so you keep the “model” stuff (i.e. selected values, user inputs) there and pull the “view model” stuff (i.e. filters, combobox/listbox sources) out into a new class to keep things manageable & clean.


    2. I posted the code that I used for the basic ListBox above. It includes a Selected property in the model, so you can modify the selected item from either the view or the model. I didn’t get to the point where I needed the view.Refresh method that Mathieu mentioned yet, since I refresh the list on most command clicks in the form.


  4. I actually did as Mathieu suggested. Sorta. I get all of the data as a collection from a table on the worksheet using the abstractions in the example. I then convert the collection to an array; I get the subsets at the same time into subset arrays. When the filter is selected a combo box is (re)loaded with the appropriate array. The arrays are mutually exclusive in my situation so each list the combo shows is unique. When an edit of the data is “Applied” then the new model data is re-imported and segregated for display in the combo. I haven’t had time to consume Profex’s post… I certainly will though!


  5. If there were more than one type of “thing” that could be edited, but only one “thing” a time and the “thing” being edited is one many of those type “things”. I am thinking that the ApplyChanges would accept any of the different types of “things” and decide what to do based on what is passed to it. ApplyChanges would also only want (need) to save the one edited “thing” and not the entire set of “things” the individual “thing” belongs to. Assuming the set of “things” is stored as a table (like in the example workbook) and then after the edited item is saved in that table I would think that reloading the affected table would want to be done (as opposed to managing the changes singularly in the presenter) to update the dialog.

    I am thinking that the “ApplyChanges” would determine the type of “thing” passed (using TypeName) and then know how/where to save the changes assuming that each type “thing” has its own table.

    Am I on the right path?


    1. Almost. Encapsulate the “things” into a model class, and then all ApplyChanges needs to care about is the model – which the presenter alreary holds a reference to (or it could be passed as an argument of the event) – if applying changes gets non-trivial, consider writing a dedicated, testable class for it – especially if the file system or a database gets involved.


  6. How would I populate Field1&2 with the values of Sheet1 $A$1:$A$2. The UserForm is to Activate on Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick, when the user double clicks on cell $C$1


    1. The BeforeDoubleClick handler could validate that the Target is $C$1, and then invoke a macro that sets up the model with the worksheet values, sets up the view & presenter classes, and then business as usual 😉


  7. How would I go about extending this solution so that the UserForm is able to listen for events, as well as raise them. The scenario would be a long-running process called by the presenter that sends periodic status updates to be displayed in a status textbox or caption control on the UserForm.


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